Greetings friends and brethren worldwide,
There are many groups today who claim to be holding fast to the teachings of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. Some of these groups
are larger or more well known than others. I receive many emails during the course of each week asking what is the difference
between us and some of these other groups.
If people could or would take the time to read through this website and listen to the audio messages contained within,
the answers to this and many other questions will come.
However, for those who prefer a "quicker" or instant answer, I have recorded two sermons (2013 & 2014) that address
this question of what separates us from other groups. These messages only cover an "overview" of the major points that clearly
show a distinction between us and the other groups or divisions of what was once the Worldwide Church of God.
The two messages are posted below. I hope these messages will be helpful for those searching for the truth.
Daniel Cohran