Hold Fast to "All things" (Herbert W Armstrong)


An Organized Work?
Treasure Map To The Truth
The MAKEUP Cover-Up!
What's Next In Prophecy?
Where Is God's Truth?
The Restored Truths?
RADIO STATIONS (World Tomorrow & Sermons)
A Call To Remembrance!
Who Is Worthy To Escape?
The Bible Hymnal - Music
God's Work Today
Which Church ERA Is This?
A Powerful Tool And A Blessing
Sacred Name/Hebrew Roots
Local Congregations
Books and Booklets
America's Twin: ANCIENT ROME!
Holy Day Calendar
United States And Britain In Prophecy
The Middle East in Prophecy and King Of The South!
Our Mission and Goals
What Separates Us From Other Groups?
Mr. Armstrong's Last Letter
Does God Heal Today?
Truth And Doctrine?
Now God Speaks To You Ministers!
Divorce and Remarriage
WHO Will Lead Us Into God's Kingdom?
Remember This Man?
Whose Church?
The "LITTLE BOOK" of Rev. 10
Synagogue of Satan
The "Great Commission"
1983 Sermon Transcript
JOHN 10 Speaks!
WORLDWIDE NEWS Special Edition 1985
WHO was the End-Time Elijah?
WHO makes it into God's Kingdom?
Our Beliefs?
Mr. Armstrong addresses the ministry!
When a prophet prophesies......
How to support this Work
Feast Of Tabernacles Messages

 "I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night, You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent....." (Isa. 62:6)

This page is formerly known as the "AUDIO MESSAGES" page. Because it contains over seven years of sermons (from 2006 thru mid March 2013) it takes a few minutes to load, especially for older computers or slow internet connections. 

Below on this page you can listen to audio sermons and Bible studies by Daniel E. Cohran and also recently from our representative in South Africa- Mr. Lowell Vickers, and our representative in the Philippines- Mr. Marc Valera.

The most recent messages are at the top of the list.  So if you want to start from the beginning, scroll to the bottom of the list.

The message title on the below player is:  "Don't Deny Christ!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Words Of Encouragement"  (Sermonette)

The message title on the below player is:  "The History Of EUROPE And The Church"  (Part 3)

The message title on the below player is:   "SPIRITUAL CHECKUP"

The message title on the below player is:  "The History Of EUROPE And The Church"  (Part 2)

The message title on the below player is:  "The SQUEEZE On Europe!"  (Sermonette)

The message title on the below player is:  "The History Of EUROPE And The Church"  (Part 1)

The message title on the below player is:  "Early 2013 Economic Update And WARNING!"
(NOTE: In the beginning of this message I stated that the date of this message is "September 19th", 2013.  I have no idea why that happened, but the date should be February 19th, 2013)

The message title on the below player is:  "Do You Have Faith In The Face Of Death?" (Sermonette)

The message title on the below player is:  "Can Satan Heal?"

The message title on the below player is: "Another Ancient Pagan False God!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Satan Doesn't Want You To Know THIS!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Do You Have Satan's Religion?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Do We Have The Complete Bible?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Is The Bible Catholic OR Protestant?"

The message title on the below player is: "A History Of The Roman Catholic Church" (Part 2)

The message title on the below player is: "A History Of The Roman Catholic Church" (Part 1)

The message title on the below player is:  "Have You Heard THIS Before?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Are We Like David?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Trinity - A FALSE Doctrine!"  (Sermonette)

The message title on the below player is:  "There Is Only ONE True God!"

The message title on the below player is: "The Authority Of The Bible"

The message title on the below player is: "The Plain Truth About - NEW YEAR'S!"

The message title on the below player is:  "The Plain Truth About - ANTICHRIST!"

The message title on the below player is: "Does This World Have Any Hope?" (Sermonette)

The message title on the below player is:  "What Is Emotional Maturity?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Watch Jerusalem!"

The message title on the below player is:  "America's Deadly Pivot"

The message title on the below player is:  "Will God Forsake His People?"

The message title on the below player is: "COURAGE And ZEAL!"  (38 Minutes)

The message title on the below player is:  "Should You WANT Fiery Trials?"

The message title on the below player is: "America's Twin: ANCIENT ROME!" (Part 3)

The message title on the below player is: "America's Twin: ANCIENT ROME!" (Part 2)

The message title on the below player is:  "America's Twin:  ANCIENT ROME!" (Part 1)

The message title on the below player is: "THE DAY AFTER..."

The message title on the below player is: "Jeremiah's Warning To God's People!" (Part 3)

The message title on the below player is:  "WINDS OF CHANGE!" (Sermonette)

The message title on the below player is: "Jeremiah's Warning To God's People!" (Part 2)

The message title on the below player is:  "Jeremiah's Warning To God's People!" (Part 1)

The message title on the below player is:  "To The Newly Baptized And All Brethren"   (38 Minutes)

The message title on the below player is: "Attitudes And Atonement"

Below is an addendum (about 5 minutes) to the above sermon (Attitudes And Atonement), to correct or add some information that was left out near the end of that sermon.

The message title on the below player is: "The Coming Whirlwind - TORNADO WATCH!"  (Sermonette - Bible Study)

The message title on the below player is: "How TERRORISM Will Be Stopped!" (Sermonette)

The message title on the below player is: "A Tidal Wave Of Terror!"

The message title on the below player is: "More U.S. Decline!"

The message title on the below player is: "Have A Joyful Feast!"

The message title on the below player is: "Preparing For GOD'S Feast Of Tabernacles"

The message title on the below player is:  "Do You Have A Sense Of Urgency?"

The message title on the below player is: "The U.S. And Britain Are TERMINALLY ILL!"

The message title on the below player is: "Looking Back And Ahead"

The message title on the below player is:  "Do You Have The Time?

The message title on the below player is: "77 Signs!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Who Is TRULY Holding Fast?"

The message title on the below player is: "WHY So Much Violence?"

The message title on the below player is: "WHY The Flash Drought Of 2012?"

The message title on the below player is:  "WHY So Much Suffering?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Will America and Britain REPENT?"

The message title on the below player is:  "GOD IS IN CONTROL!"

The message title on the below player is: "PUBLIC MIRACLES"

The message title on the below player is: "MEDITATION"

The message title on the below player is: "WILLPOWER"

The message title on the below player is:  "DEFEAT Discouragement!"

The message title on the below player is: "BEYOND Sodom and Gomorrah!" (Part 2)

The message title on the below player is:  "BEYOND Sodom and Gomorrah!"  (Part 1)

The message title on the below player is:  "NO MORAL COMPASS!"

The message title on the below player is:  "The Plain Truth About God's Holy Days!"

The message title on the below player is:  "The Wavesheaf And Pentecost" (46 minutes)

The message title on the below player is:  "PENTECOST AND THE BRIDE"

The message title on the below player is:  "How To Make Wise Decisions"  (Sermonette)

The message title on the below player is:  "Are You "Brainwashed" OR Are You CALLED?

The message title on the below player is:  "MARK Your Bible!" (Sermonette)

The message title on the below player is:  "BEWARE The Leaven Of The Ministry!"

The message title on the below player is: Sermonette - "How Leaven Pictures Sin"

The message title on the below player is:  "Reflections On Passover"

The message title on the below player is:  "The World's DEADLIEST Weapon!"

The message title on the below player is:  "A Hard Race"

The message title on the below player is:  "Preparation For Passover 2012"

The message title on the below player is:  "The Main Battlefield - YOUR MIND!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Is The RIGHT Goal YOUR Priority?"

The message title on the below player is:  Sermonette:  "You ARE Useful!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Crowd Apathy"

The message title on the below player is: "Failure In Leadership!" - Part 3

The message title on the below player is: "Failure In Leadership!" - Part 2

The message title on the below player is:  "Failure In Leadership!" - Part 1

The message title on the below player is:  "Abundant Living!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Where Are We Now In Prophecy?" - Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is:  "A Time For FASTING!"

The message title on the below player is:  "What's Prophesied For Now?"

The message title on the below player is: "The BEAST And AMERICA"   (2 hours, 39 minutes)

The message title on the below player is:  "2015 In Prophecy?" - Part 1

The message title on the below player is:  "2015 In Prophecy?" - Part 2

The message title on the below player is: "GET A GRIP!"

The message title on the below player is:  Sermonette:  "The Character Of God"

The message title on the below player is:  "Are You On Fire?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Discerning The Times"

The message title on the below player is: "News Update - Nov. 2011"

The message title on the below player is:  "FAITH To Move Forward" - Part 4

The message title on the below player is:  "FAITH To Move Forward" - Part 3

The message title on the below player is:  "FAITH To Move Forward" - Part 2

The message title on the below player is:  "Prove All Things" - Sermon by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is:  "FAITH To Move Forward" - Part 1

The message title on the below player is: "Is There Really A Place Of Safety?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Update On P.I.I.G.S."

The message title on the below player is:  "STAY THE COURSE!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Judaism - Parts 13 & 14" - Sermon by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "A LOVE Worthy Of Marriage" - Part 2

The message title on the below player is:  "A LOVE Worthy Of Marriage" - Part 1

The message title on the below player is:  "Judaism - Parts 11 & 12" - Sermon by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "Prevent Spiritual Adultery!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Rewards Of The Church Eras"  (short Bible study - 24 minutes)

The message title on the below player is: "Preparing IN The Truth" (FOT 2011)

The message title on the below player is: "Eye Hath Not Seen"  (Lowell Vickers - FOT 2011)

The message title on the below player is: "Do We LOVE The Truth?"  (FOT 2011)

The message title on the below player is: "Modern Education VS True Education - Part 3"

The message title on the below player is:  "Judaism - Parts 9 & 10" - Sermon by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "Modern Education VS True Education - Part 2"

The message title on the below player is:  " E.U. Update - 9/30/2011"

The message title on the below player is:  "Modern Education VS True Education - Part 1"

The message title on the below player is:  "Judaism - Parts 7 & 8" - Sermon by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "German Rationalism - EXPOSED!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Judaism - Parts 5 & 6" - Sermon by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is:  "By Their Fruits You Will Know Them"

The message title on the below player is:  "The BATON Was Passed!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Do We LOVE Correction?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Judaism - Parts 3 & 4" - Sermon by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "Saltiness - Required" - Sermonette by Marc Valera

The message title on the below player is:  "Are You HAPPY In God's Church?"

The message title on the below player is: "How To Have A GREAT Feast!" (from 2007)

The message title on the below player is: SPLIT SERMON (Lowell Vickers & Dan Cohran) - "Judaism Part 2" & "Beware Of False Brethren"

The message title on the below player is:  "Second & Third Tithe"

The message title on the below player is: "How To Prosper In UN-Prosperous Times!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Judaism - Part 1" - Split Sermon by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is:  "How To Overcome The Laodicean Attitude!"

The message title on the below player is: "Christianity Is Not Gentile" - Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is:  "Who Would Jesus Vote For?"

The message title on the below player is: "Giving" - Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "The State Of The Nation" - Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is:  "The Greatness Of God!"

The message title on the below player is: "Stay On The Road" - Sermonette by Marc Valera

The message title on the below player is:  "Why Does God Hide Himself?"

The message title on the below player is: SPLIT SERMON (Lowell Vickers & Dan Cohran) - "While We Wait" & "WHO Is Your God?"

The message title on the below player is: "The Messenger" - Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "Are We Grateful?"

The message title on the below player is: (Sermonette) "Number Your Days!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Avoid Spiritual Pitfalls!"

The message title on the below player is: "Do You REALLY Repent?"

The message title on the below player is: "Olive Trees and Candlesticks" - Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "EARTH - WIND - FIRE & WATER"

The message title on the below player is: "It's All About TIMING" - Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "How Christ Gives The Church Its Beliefs"

The message title on the below player is: "Cui Bono" -  Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is:  "Announcements - 5/21/2011"

The message title on the below player is: "Discernment and Truth" -  Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is:  "PATRIOTISM Run-Amuck"

The message title on the below player is:  "Jacob's Pillar Stone and David's Throne" Part 2

The message title on the below player is:  "Jacob's Pillar Stone and David's Throne" Part 1

The message title on the below player is: "Comments on the News" by Dan Cohran.  Sermon: "Watch" by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "A Royal Wedding" - Sermon by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "WHY Increasing Weather Disasters?"

The message title on the below player is: "Why De-leaven" - Sermon by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "Exodus" - Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is:  "Spring Holy Day Review - 2011"

The message title on the below player is: "The 14th - NOT the 15th" - Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 14

The message title on the below player is: "The Royal Law Of Liberty" - Sermonette by Lowell Vickers

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 13

The message title on the below player is: SPLIT SERMON: Dan Cohran- "Fear Not!",  Lowell Vickers- "Faith!"

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 12

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 11

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 10

The message title on the below player is: "Watching The Middle East"

The message title on the below player is: "How The E.U. Will Defeat Us"

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 9

The message title on the below player is: "Middle East Review"

The message title on the below player is: "A CONSTANT STRUGGLE"

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 8

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 7

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 6

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 5

The message title on the below player is: "TWO WITNESSES AGAINST ISRAEL"

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 4

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 3

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 2

The message title on the below player is: "The Word Of The Lord To Zerubbabel" - Part 1

The message title on the below player is: "A Call To Give Thanks"

The message title on the below player is: "The True Spiritual Rechabites".

The message title on the below player is: "What is a liberal?"

The message title on the below player is: "ALL the ministry has FAILED!"

The message title on the below player is:  "They Don't Believe Him!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Conversion"

The message title on the below player is: "Mid - 2010 Economic Update"

The message title on the below player is: "A Message To Laodicea"

The message title on the below player is: "The Unprofitable Servant"

The message title on the below player is: "THE WAY THINGS ARE..."

The message title on the below player is: THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT HEALING - PART 3

The message title on the below player is: THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT HEALING - PART 2

The message title on the below player is: THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT HEALING - PART 1
NOTE: There is about a 40 second delay at the beginning of this message.

The message title on the below player is:  "A SURE Foundation!"

The message title on the below player is:  "A Terrible Shaking!"

The message title on the below player is: "Resist The Devil!"

The message title on the below player is: "Doctrines Of Demons"

The message title on the below player is: "Self Deception"

The message title on the below player is: " The 144,000 and the Great Multitude"

The message title on the below player is: "Keeping The Sabbath At Home"

The message title on the below player is: "Announcements and Encouragement"

The message title on the below player is: "Independence Day"

The message title on the below player is: "The Purpose Of Pentecost!"

The message title on the below player is: "Rejoice in God's Sabbath!"

The message title on the below player is: "Passover Season 2009"

The message title on the below player is: "The Mark of the Beast"

The message title on the below player is: "GOD'S Economic Stimulus Plan"

The message title on the below player is: "Why Christian Suffering? - Part 3"

The message title on the below player is: "Why Christian Suffering? - Part 2"

The message title on the below player is: "Why Christian Suffering? - Part 1"

The message title on the below player is: "The Greater Depression" . NOTE: This sermon has about a 20 second dead spot at around the 46 minute mark, but then continues on with the rest of the message.

The message title on the below player is: "God's Promise Of Protection"

The message title on the below player is: "TRUMPETS AND ATONEMENT"

The message title on the below player is: WHY ECONOMIC PROBLEMS?

The message title on the below player is: "The Day Of Pentecost"

Note: In the above message entitled "The Day Of Pentecost", I do some reading from a 1974 coworker letter from Mr. Armstrong pertaining to the Day of Pentecost and the change from observance on a Monday to Sunday. If you would like to download that letter, click below where it says 'CLICK HERE".


The message title on the below player is: "A CLEAR DISTINCTION"

NOTE:  In the message above entitled "A CLEAR DISTINCTION", I do some reading from a 1967 coworker letter from Mr. Armstrong. It contains a POWERFUL message for God's people today. If you would like to download that letter to read, click below where it says "CLICK HERE". 


The message title on the below player is: "WHAT SEPARATES US FROM OTHER GROUPS?"


The message title on the below player is:  "What is Happening to America? Part 1"

The message title on the below player is: "What is Happening to America? Part 2"

The message title on the below player is: "REDUCE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING - PART 1"

The message title on the below player is: "REDUCE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING - PART 2"

The message title on the below player is: "Review of Spring Holy Days"

The message title on the below player is: "Discerning the Body"

The message title on the below player is: "The Passover and Healing"

The message title on the below player is: "Are We Casual About Religion?"

The message title on the below player is: "The Midnight Cry!"

The message title on the below player is: "Was Mr. Armstrong Mistaken?"

The message title on the below player is: "'Tis The Season"

The message title on the below player is: "The Hands of Zerubbabel"

The message title on the below player is: "Stephen's Judgement"

The message title on the below player is: "The 'Wiles' of Satan"

The message title on the below player is: "ECONOMIC WOES"

The message title on the below player is: "The Waking Up Process"

The message title on the below player is: "THE SIGN"

The message title on the below player is: "Jacob's Trouble"

The message title on the below player is: "God's Family Government"

The message title on the below player is: "Spiritual Warfare"

The message title on the below player is: "Afflictions, Persecutions, and Sorrows"

The message title on the below player is: "Now God Speaks To You Ministers!"

The message title on the below player is: "Can Prophecy Fail?"

The message title on the below player is: "Follow Christ"

The message title on the below player is: "Don't Join THIS Group!"

The message title on the below player is: "SPIRITUAL DELEAVENING (2007)"

The message title on the below player is: "A Call to Awaken"

The message title on the below player is: "Many Were Offended"

The message title on the below player is: "Proper Fear in Perilous Times"

The message title on the below player is: "Jeremiah: Chapters 2-5"

The message title on the below player is: "Another Gospel"

The message title on the below player is: "The Great City"

The message title on the below player is: "Who Was That Man?"

The message title on the below player is:  "What does it mean to HOLD FAST? "

The message title on the below player is:  "Ezekiel's Warning To God's Church"

The message title on the below player is:  "Can God Forsake His People?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Daniel's Prayer (12 min.)"

The message title on the below player is:  "Bible Study Jeremiah 7-9 (37 min.)"

The message title on the below player is:  "What Is Our COMMISSION?"

The message title on the below player is:  "How To Identify God's Work"

The message title on the below player is:  "A Bitter Lamentation"

The message title on the below player is:  "Who Is Feeding God's People?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Are We Frozen In Time?"

The message title on the below player is:  "Mrs. Armstrong's Dream (Part 2)"

The message title on the below player is:  "Mrs. Armstrong's Dream (Part 1)"

The message title on the below player is:  "Our Part In God's Work"

The message title on the below player is:  "Abomination Of Desolation"

The message title on the below player is:  "1967!"

The message title on the below player is:  "The PLUMBLINE"

The message title on the below player is:  "Upholding The STANDARD"

The message title on the below player is:  "The Enemy WITHIN!"

The message title on the below player is:  "WATCHMEN"

The message title on the below player is:  "It Will Surely Come!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Does It Really Matter?"

The message title on the below player is:  "TO ALL MINISTERS!"

The message title on the below player is:  "Famine!"

The message title on the below player is:  "THE TWO WITNESSES"



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