Treasure Map to the Truth
Once one is called by God, and then wholeheartedly submits to the government of God's way of life as did King David, then
the writings of the prophets and apostles, including God's 20th century apostle, become the treasure map to the truth.
There are hundreds of counterfeit treasure maps out there these days. But only one of them is leading to eternal life.
I have closely examined many of these counterfeit treasure maps. I have personally debated doctrine face to face with many
of the leaders of these counterfeit churches of God. I have been employed as a proofreader in the Worldwide Church of God
and as a copy editor in a couple of splinter churches of God.
Many times a doctrine contrary to the truth is asserted without proof. When confronted, these leaders often will say:
"I see your point", but then turn around and invite me to continue fellowship. How can they have the unity Christ
desires within their churches?
There were times that I realized that I was being tossed about to and fro on some doctrines. The most effective way for
me to sort it all out was to investigate and fully understand the way the doctrine was taught by our 20th century apostle
during the time he was energized about getting the Church back on track. That is, all of his personal writings from the time
of his heart attack in August 1977 until the time of his death in January 1986.
On every doctrinal point studied, every variation from the treasure map laid out by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong was found
to be lacking in biblical proof. For example, not a single one of the splintered churches of God had a correct treasure map
to the King of the South doctrine. Not a single one of the splinter groups dared to publish the warning Mr. Armstrong gave
to all the membership in the special edition of the Worldwide News on June 24th, 1985, titled: Recent History of the Philadelphia
Era of the Worldwide Church of God: (
One of the proofs of the true church of God is willingness to admit error when proven from Scripture. All of the church
of God leaders I encountered were too arrogant to change what they were teaching to grow in grace and truth. But if you care
to fully investigate by listening carefully to the first couple of years in the audio archives: (,
you will find that this little flock had a few errors at first and was humble enough to correct them when discovered.
The Apostle John, in an apparent time of discouragement, sent his disciples to Jesus. Those disciples were admonished
to look at the fruits. I have found the fruits of developing the character of God not lacking in this little flock. Asserting
a deceptive belief without scriptural foundation is a common way to smooth over any sense of guilt of abandoning the only
treasure map that leads to eternal life.
Bradley Mitchell