Sermons on this page are from October 2022 through October 2024. For sermons dating from 2006 thru Oct. 2024, go to the "AUDIO
ARCHIVES" pages 1 through 8.
Sermons (the most recent sermon will always be
at the top)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Biblical Fast" (1 hour, 18
The Sermon title on the below player is: "THIS Is The Mind!" (28 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Temptation And Time" (27 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Just What Are YOUR Words?" (44
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Lesson From Baal's Temple" (17
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Mighty Ant!" (28 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "John's Message For Us Today!" (38
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Beware Of THESE!" (33 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Trumpets And Your Future!" (34
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A New Beginning!" (1 hour, 4 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Preparing For The Feast Of Tabernacles!
- Part 4" (2 hours, 17 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Preparing For The Feast Of Tabernacles!
- Part 3" (1 hour, 11 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Preparing For The Feast Of Tabernacles!
- Part 2" (1 hour, 26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Second Tithe And Holy Day Offerings"
(55 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Preparing For The Feast Of Tabernacles!
- Part 1" (1 hour, 23 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Snapshots In Time" (1 hour, 36
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Do You See Your Invitation?" (59
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Devil's Religion!" (59 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Who Has The True Teachings Of Christ?"
(46 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Fight Spiritual Lethargy!" (35
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Fight Spiritual Blindness!" (57
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A POWERFUL Tool!" (31 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Silver Haired" (1 hour, 2 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "WHY Weather Disasters?" (57 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are You Preparing?" (1 hour, 21
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Fight Summertime Lethargy!" (29
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Use God's Spirit!" (41 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Overview Of Prophecy - Part 4"
(1 hour, 53 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Overview Of Prophecy - Part 3"
(1 hour, 14 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Overview Of Prophecy - Part 2"
(1 hour, 25 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Overview Of Prophecy - Part 1"
(1 hour, 34 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "God's Plan For Women And Mothers!"
(47 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Preventive Maintenance!" (53 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Prayers" (1 hour, 17 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Grow Out Of Sin!" (1 hour, 38 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are We Worthy?" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "We ALL Did It!" (52 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "YES, YOU Have Something To Do!"
(20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Leavening And Sin!" (40 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Cure For Heart Disease!" (20
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Don't Get Hooked!" (43 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "An Easter Surprise!" (33 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "An Easter Message" (41 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Mercy!" (36 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Humility!" (48 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "God's Apostle On The Spring Holy
Days" (51 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Our Annual Spiritual Physical"
(31 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "What Does Passover Mean To You?"
(54 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Have You Mastered THIS Yet?" (23
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are We Living Sacrifices?" (53
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Can We Be Like David?" (1 hour,
35 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are You An Olympian?" (43 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Will You Be Victorious?" (1 hour,
2 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Spiritual Marathon" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Spiritual Excellence" (29 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Use Your Time Wisely!" (29 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Don't Put It Off!" (19 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are You Weary?" (50 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Positive Vs. Negative" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "What Satan Wants You To Believe!"
(43 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Titanic Battle!" (1 hour, 34
The Sermon title on the below player is: "In His Honor!" (1 hour, 47 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Idolatry And God's First Two Commandments"
(1 hour, 24 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Grow In Humility!" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Recipe For A Happy Marriage!" (1
hour, 10 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "True JOY!" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Dark Cloud Over Society" (1 hour,
12 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are You Succeeding?" (33 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The True Laws Of Success!" (2 hours,
8 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "How Much Do You Like THIS?" (1
hour, 17 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Death And The Hope Of All Mankind!"
(1 hour, 13 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Transforming Of Europe!" (1
hour, 40 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Not Much TIME Left!" (27 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Will Man Ever Love His Fellow Man?"
(34 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Love Of Christ!" (21 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Time To Laugh" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "TRUE LOVE!" (37 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Prophesies Converging!" (1 hour,
31 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Lebanon!" (28 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Turkey!" (44 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Time We Are In Now!" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are You Ready For THIS?" (48 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Your Incredible Potential! - Part
7" (1 hour, 4 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Holding Back" (52 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Your Incredible Potential! - Part
6" (1 hour, 48 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "SURVIVAL FOOD!" (23 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Your Incredible Potential! - Part
5" (1 hour, 2 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Your Incredible Potential! - Part
4" (1 hour, 49 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Your Incredible Potential! - Part
3" (1 hour, 22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Fourteen Miracles!" (24 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Your Incredible Potential! - Part
2" (1 hour, 21 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Your Incredible Potential! - Part
1" (1 hour, 39 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Germany, Russia, And Asia" (2 hours,
32 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Persecution WILL Come!" (35 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "What's Wrong With Modern Christianity?"
(1 hour, 17 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Is God Concerned About Your Sex
Life?" (24 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "De-Sexing God And The Bible" (1
hour, 20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "3 Simple Keys To Peace!" (24 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Key To Abundant Living" (54 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Mental Stability" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Emotional Stability" (32 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "CLAIM God's Promises!" (30 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Days Of Lot!" (1 hour, 34 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "False Values Vs. True Values" (28
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are You Old Yet?" (49 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Works Of LIVING Faith!" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "For Our Eternal Life's Sake!" (28
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Common Traits Of Satan, Are Any
Of Them Yours?" (1 hour, 30 minutes) NOTE: At around the 48 minute mark, there is about a minute and a half of silence, then
recording resumes.
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Have You Lost Your Power?" (25
The Sermon title on the below player is: "How You Can Bear Fruit!" (53 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "USE God's POWER!" (30 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "USE God's Spirit!" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "You CAN Conquer!" (33 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "How Will God Judge Us?" (21 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Our Image" (19 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "REAL HAPPINESS!" (40 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Ugly American" (17 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Communism - Marxism Alive And Well
Today!" (1 hour, 17 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "What Is YOUR Source Of Protection?"
(1 hour, 21 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Time For Courage!" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "5 Reasons For Our Serious Problems!"
(40 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "THIS Is The Mind!" (25 minutes)
(Note: Wrong date given at beginning of message. Should be 2023!)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The ORDER Of Melchizedek" (44 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Vital Dimension In Overcoming
Sin" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "THIS Is THE Way!" (56 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "He Died For You - Can You Live
For Him?" (34 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Christ's Last Day As A Human" (37
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Yearly Rededication" (36 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "What We Need To Know!" (55 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Godly Repentance And Preventing
Sin" (17 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "When Will I EVER Overcome?" (18
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Leaven and Sin!" (34 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Why Overcoming Is So Important"
(28 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Lethargy And Indifference!" (1
hour, 1 minute)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Examine These Body Parts!" (29
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Prepare For Passover!" (54 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are You Worried?" (27 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Harsh Indictment Of America!"
(1 hour, 20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Which God Do We Worship?" (17 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Looking Forward At Germany, The
West, and The World" (59 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "News Briefs" (20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Hope!" (14 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Do You Do This?" (18 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Forgiveness!" (27 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "News For Now!" (2 hours)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "URGENT TIMES - Dark Forces At work!"
(1 hour)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A WARNING From God!" (1 hour, 12
The Sermon title on the below player is: "YES, God Cares!" (27 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Temptation And Overcoming" (35 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Christian Conviction!" (33 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "It Takes Faith To Obey!" (37 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "What Faith Is NOT!" (21 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Marvelous Faith?" (50 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Learn To Rely On GOD!" (1 hour, 28 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are You Cold, Lukewarm, or Hot?" (37 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Tool Of Enforcement" (1 hour, 4 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "By Your Words" (32 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Learn To Love Correction!" (1 hour, 10
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Christ Our Healer" (1 hour, 28 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Christ The Creator" (18 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Christ The Revelator" (29 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Does Christ Really Understand?" (27 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Jesus Christ - The Man" (32 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "What Will Russia Do?" (59 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Who Rules The Waves?" (35 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Christ In The Gospel Of John" (34 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "What Is Christ Doing Now?" (58 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "America's Twin - Ancient Rome!" (1 hour,