During the 1930's a religious movement called "Sacred Name" began. That movement is still around today and has
branched off into other other names or groups such as the "Hebrew Roots" or "Hebrew Names" movements.
these groups valid and truly biblically based? Or, are they another one of the "wiles of Satan" to keep the whole world deceived?
who were once a part of the Worldwide Church of God, under the leadership of God's late apostle, Mr. Herbert W Armstrong,
have begun to follow these Sacred Name - Hebrew Roots groups.
But did you know that this is nothing
new? Long, long ago, under the leadership of God's end-time apostle, the question of the validity of the Hebrew/Sacred Name
belief system was clearly settled once and for all.
Below is a four part sermon series
entitled: "The TRUE God!", which addresses this same topic. Call it a "refresher course" if you will, for the benefit of those
who may have forgotten these fundamental truths, or never learned them. This series covers the research, documentation
and teaching by the true Church of God on this subject, and will in the process make PLAIN for any who have eyes to see and
ears to hear, who and what is- The TRUE God!
Daniel Cohran