WHO Is Worthy
To Escape?
The Bible
indicates that there will be some who escape the soon coming great tribulation.
But does the Bible also indicate WHO these people might be? Read on!
For true Christians today,
there is much to do in
order to qualify for the Kingdom of God. We must overcome Satan and his strong
influence on society and the broadcasting of his attitudes on the same
wavelength as the human mind. We must overcome this world and all of its ways. We
must overcome our own human nature (carnal mind) which in its natural state is
hostile against God. We must overcome sin in our lives.
We must also be growing in
the grace and knowledge of
Jesus Christ (II Pet. 3:18), and putting on His mind (Philip. 2:5), replacing
our human nature with His divine nature or character (II Pet. 1:4). We must be
developing the very character of God. These are all things we MUST DO. But what
about the tribulation?
As a quick
review, the Bible does show that some,
however few, do escape. There are many scriptures that point to this time
period and the protection of some of God’s people. Here are a few:
“For in
the time of trouble he shall hide me
in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set
me up upon a rock.” (Psalms 27:5)
pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day:
For then shall
be great tribulation, such as was not
since the beginning of the world to this time,
no, nor ever
shall be. (Matt. 24:20-21)
And to
the woman were given two wings of a
great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she
is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the
serpent. (Rev. 12:14)
commandment-keepers escape?
Todays’ world is in
spiritual darkness and is
spiraling rapidly toward the time called the great tribulation (Matt. 24:21).
The Bible clearly shows that some will escape (Rev. 12:14). But who is this
woman (church) that escapes? Is it simply anyone who keeps the commandments of
God? One would surely think that all
commandment keepers would escape, wouldn’t you think? But God’s Word says
otherwise! (Rev. 12:17). There will be many commandment-keepers who do not
escape! So there must be something more
than keeping the commandments required in order to be accounted worthy to
escape this great tribulation.
In Luke 21:36, Christ says
that there are two primary
things we must do in order to be accounted worthy to escape the coming great
tribulation. The first is WATCH. To watch world events as they unfold,
especially in relation to prophecy, which means one would need to know what
those prophecies are and what that
outline of prophecy is. But
will that knowledge alone allow one to be accounted worthy to escape? No! We
must also watch our spiritual condition!
We must also PRAY ALWAYS that
we are accounted worthy
to escape. The Bible admonishes to pray for each other, pray for God’s work,
pray for every need in our lives, and to pray for God’s Kingdom to come. And
yes to pray to be accounted worthy to escape.
Surely there are many “commandment-keepers”
in this
world who are praying for these things! Yet God indicates that there will only
be a few who escape. Many who keep those same commandments and even understand
those prophecies will NOT escape! (Rev. 12:17, Rev. 19:10)
Is God unfair? Is He going
to choose between the
commandment-keepers (God’s people) and leave some behind yet take others to a
place of safety? Yes He is! So is God then a “respecter of persons”? NO He is
NOT! (Acts 10:34)
So there MUST be more
to it than keeping God’s commandments in order to be accounted worthy to
escape, and indeed there is!
Truth, Crowns and Tenacity
Is it possible to actually
perhaps identify those who
Christ might deem worthy to escape? Is there a special “identifier” that
differentiates these from other commandment keepers? Yes there is, and God’s
Word gives the keys!
The last command and admonishment
(warning) that Jesus
Christ gave to the Philadelphia era of God’s Church was to “hold fast
to what you have, that no man take your crown” (Rev.
3:11). What did Christ mean by “hold fast to what you have”? What
was it we were to hold fast to?
During the Philadelphia era
of God’s Church, much
truth that had been lost down through the centuries had been restored to the
true Church, along with much more new understanding and truth, along with many
doctrines and the true understanding of God’s laws and plan for mankind, all
encompassed under the term: “The True Gospel Of Jesus Christ”. But
there’s more…
The restoration of all these
truths and doctrines,
this knowledge of God’s true way of life, was accomplished by Jesus Christ
through one man! Yes he (that man) had the support system and help of the
Church and its members and ministry during that time. But this restoration came
by Jesus Christ through this one man, His chosen servant and apostle, Mr.
Herbert W Armstrong. But there’s more…
This servant, chosen specifically
by Jesus Christ, in
addition to fulfilling his commission in Matt. 24:14, also fulfilled several
other end-time Biblical roles, a primary one being the end-time Elijah, whom
Christ would use to restore all things (Matt. 17:11). So again, during the
Philadelphia era, Christ used Mr. Armstrong to restore “all” things. What are
these “all” things? Are they all knowledge in the universe, or, all the
knowledge of God? No! They are simply the knowledge
of the things we need for salvation (in addition to our part
of overcoming & putting on the mind of Christ, etc.).
Back to Christ’s final
command (Rev. 3:11) to the
Philadelphia era: “hold fast to what you have,
that no man take your crown”. What was it that we had? We had
the “all things” (Rev. 17:11), all
that restored truth and doctrine included in the knowledge of the true
gospel! And notice the last part of
Christ’s statement: “that no man take
your crown”. That means you will have
your crown IF you hold
fast to what was
given to us during that era!
Christ didn’t say it
would be easy. It would take
fierce tenacity to “hold fast” to His
truth until the very end. Satan has been very active trying to destroy those
who are (along with Christ) destined to replace him on his throne here on
So now we can look back in
recent church history (28
years). What has happened to God’s Church (commandment-keepers) since the death
of Mr. Armstrong? How many followed Christ’s command to hold fast to what we
had? VERY FEW!
Today the vast
majority have gone off-track from the plain truth and way of God’s life
that was restored in the end time through His apostle. Almost 400 splits and
divisions of what was once the Worldwide Church of God. Each group teaching and
preaching its own version of the gospel or its own version of truth. But is it
really GOD’S VERSION? They no longer
live by or OBEY the true gospel (II Thes. 1:8, I Pet. 4:17) There is only ONE
true way, one way of truth, one true
gospel, and that one way was restored by Jesus Christ
through one man, Mr. Herbert W Armstrong!
Those commandment-keepers
(God’s people!) who are not
accounted worthy to escape and have to go into the tribulation, will have to
repent, be corrected, and learn once and for all to live by those “all things”
(the true gospel), and to die as martyrs in order to qualify for God’s Kingdom.
Let that be a warning to all of us!
Keys that identify those who escape!
So it takes more
than just being a commandment-keeper to be accounted worthy to escape. It takes
more than having the true
understanding and outline of prophecy. And yes indeed it requires us doing our
part in overcoming (self, sin, world), indeed Christ says it is the “overcomers”
who will rule with Him on His throne (Rev. 3:21).
Yes, Christ says to watch
and pray, that we may be
accounted worthy to escape the great tribulation, and these things we MUST do.
But who is Christ going to be accounting as worthy? Can we know? Yes we
can! We cannot of course know exact names of people or how many. But we should be
able to see, that He is going to take those who have been obeying the gospel or
God’s way of life, fiercely defending His
truth, striving to live by that truth, and who are not throwing away their
Many of God’s people
are in the process of throwing
away their crowns today. How are they doing that? By doing away with, or
watering down God’s truth and way of life, either by neglect or willfully. In
other words, no longer LIVING BY that true gospel. This applies to churches as
well as individuals. This is the VERY
truth that Christ warned us to HOLD FAST to in order that you CAN receive your
And WHERE did that very same
truth come from and from
WHERE did we get it? It came from Jesus Christ Himself through His chosen
end-time Elijah and apostle, Mr. Herbert W Armstrong!
Christ is going to take those
who put a high value on those crowns and understand
what those crowns represent
(to help Christ teach and save mankind!) to
a place of final training in order to be prepared for the awesome job ahead.
This is the REAL reason for “escaping” the tribulation, not
to save our physical skins, but
for that final all important training! Physical life is only temporary
anyway, and physical death is only sleep. But Christ is going to take a few who
really are serious about their calling and finish His work in them and finish
preparing His Bride!
of Christ
The simple fact is that Christ
Himself will
ultimately decide which individuals escape the tribulation and which do not.
But can it really be this simple, that the ones whom Christ will find worthy to
escape the great tribulation are those who (in addition to keeping God’s
commandments) are not throwing away
their crowns, those who are following His
last command to the previous church era to HOLD
FAST to what we had, what was given us, and to LIVE by it, and that the
understanding of WHAT it was we were
to hold fast TO is that “all
things” given by Christ through His
end-time Elijah? Could it really be that simple? (See II Cor. 11:3)
Final Key
How ironic (or planned by
Christ?) that the very key
to the understanding of this question of “who will be accounted worthy
to escape”, lies in the very name of the Church of God website, and is engraved
on our seal!
17:11, Rev. 3:11)