Below: "The Messenger Of Laodicea" (1 hour, 45 minutes)
Below: "The Baton Was DROPPED!" (1 hour)
The below three messages are a series of "audio emails" sent to the brethren of the
Church of God beginning in January 2014. The first message was originally sent just to four of our men for review. All four
were in immediate agreement. I then sent it to all the brethren in its current format.
Below: "Plucked From the Fire!" (Part 1) (1 hour, 31 minutes)
Below: "Plucked From the Fire!" (Part 2) (1 hour, 8 minutes)
Below: "A Special Calling?" (1 hour, 3 minutes)
Below: "A Maintenance Man" (31 minutes) Added April 2016
Below: "Under The Shadow Of His Wings" (1 hour, 31 minutes) Added January 2017